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Other Great Hamtaro Websites

Submit your FanSite!
Please e-mail angelcabbit@teamartail.com with your SITE NAME, URL(address), LINK IMAGE(optional please attach to e-mail or send url), and an ALIAS(optional-will be added in discription). I will personally view all websites e-mailed to me and write a discription for them. Note: your page must have some content.
A link back to this site would be appreciated!

Official Sites

Hamutaro: Japan (official Japanese page)

The official Japanese Site. Has lots of neat stuff: information about the GameBoy game, books, other goods, the anime/TV series, short character bios, and a cute little clickable house map.

Hamutaro: The Movie (official Japanese Movie Page)
Information about the movie, its characters, and cast. News and updates, and a list of all the goods coming out for the movie *drool*.

Hamtaro: Little Hamsters Big Adventures (official English page)
Information about Hamtaro and all of his friends. Plus a listing of the Hamtaro goods, Dictionary of Ham-Ham language, and a few episode Summaries.

Toonami: Hamtaro
Screne caputre Gallery, Bios, and complete Episode Listing & Summaries.

Nintendo's Hamtaro page. It's in Japanese folks. If you have a browser that can read that stuff (I do) go ahead and check it out, if not, you can always look at the pictures.

Fan Sites

Beautiful site by Panda aka Lady_Bijou of the Neopets Hamtaro Guild. Here we have bios on the characters, an explanation of the story, sinopsis of some of the episodes, fan stuff, and links.

Hamtaro Planet

Includes a few animated gifs, webrings, chat room, adoptions, and a ham-ham poll!

Hamtaro and Bijou's Love

Huge picture gallery of Hamtaro, Bijou, and both of them together! Each section is filled with lots of content. Also includes; Hints of their romance, Character Informaiton, Fanworks, Links + more!

Sun Flower Seed Heaven
A cute little site by Penguin with Pages for every Hamster w/bios, and links!

A Small World

An adorable site with character Bios, Links, Random things, and an Image Gallery! -very cute pics here too!

Sakura_72's Page
Pictures, hamster information/bios, hamster language, and a bunch of stuff abou the guild! Run by fellow guild member Sakura_72

Hamtaro World

Characters, Image gallery, links, and downloads.

Pashmina and Stan's Club

Adorable site, with LOTS of stuff. Pictures, many different Adoptables (including seibutsu!), Spirtes, and much more!
Mafura Bubbles

Capricacat's Ham Ham House
Cute lil site with ham ham Bios, and adorable picutes of the hams, plus some pics of lesser known hams from the books.
Webmistress: Miaka Firecrest


HAMTARO! awww cute :)
Interestin lil site, includes Fan stuff, ham-ham Bios, Links, Adoption Center, Quiz, and "How to Be Annoying" (as if we need a lesson...lol)
Webmistress: Shortysk8rchik33


Ham-Ham Playground

A Quite impressive and beautiful hamtaro site. Includes: Character Bios, lots of Images, Episode listings, song Lyrics, Downloads, Hamtaro Quiz, and Links.
Webmasters: Tiger jam & Girl CAPPY


Hamtaro's Hut
Cute lil page with many message Forums (RPing mostly) an adoption, "YouKnowYou'veHadTooMuchWhen...", Lyrics, Pictures, and more.

Ham Ham Headquarters

I'm not even gonna try and list everything on this site...
Quite popular, and deserving of it's reputation!
Webmistress: Jaci


info on characters, Bijou especially, Fan-fiction, Pictures, About Hamtaro, and movie characters.
Webmistress: Shirley


Pashmina's Closet

Beautiful site design. A must see for Pashmina fans. Pash info, RPG, Fashion tips, "Pashmina + Stan = Love?", and more.
Webmistress: Lila


Hamtaro: Bianca's Homepage

Site comes in English, Italian, and Portuguese. Lots and Lots of great pictues! Beautiful site. It's really worth the time to look though it. =)
Webmistress: Bianca


My Hamtaro Site
Lots of -and i mean lots- of great pictures here. Good info on the characters, and toys.
Webmistress: Ham-Ham Girl


The HamHam Clubhouse
^_^ I won't even try to list all the stuff this site has. Lots of good pictues and games and a BUNCH more!!
Webmistress: Cait


The Heke! Clique

Announce your Hamtaro fandom to the world! ^_^ This is an adorable little clique.
Webmistress: Lena*


Ch-eah-lee Muffin
Wonderfuly cute site. Images and an Online Store!
Webmistress: Jennifer


How to Draw Hamtaro

Awesome site with Tutorials on how to draw the Hams!
Webmistress: Charlotte


Hamster Cage

Beautiful site design! ♥ Lots of Great sprites to adopt from this adoption. I highly recommend!!
Webmistress: Jeannette


Hamtaro Haven
A small site with some Info, Pics, and a Fanfic.
Webmistress: Sandy is a dandy


Friends Forever

Beautiful site! With Links, Adoption, Ham-Ham Language, and Fan-fic!
Webmistress: Eva



Hi,and welcome to Hamtaro!I hope you like it here,I just created it,so,it isn't very great.But,it will be!So,enjoy your stay!!!

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